onsdag 30 mars 2011
tisdag 29 mars 2011
Awarded saddles from Prestige
Prestige Italia is once again Winner of St.Georg Award held by St.Georg equestrian magazine in Germany, with Meredith Saddle at 1st Place in the jumping saddles category and D1 Saddle at 2nd Place in the dressage saddles category. Category Jumping saddles1st Place Winner: MEREDITH SADDLE Category Dressage saddles2nd Place Winner: D1 SADDLE
fredag 25 mars 2011
onsdag 23 mars 2011
Charles Owen news!

To mark their 100 year anniversary, Charles Owen & Company is launching a number of limited edition centenary products that will be available during 2011.
Developed from the Ayr8™, the Ayrbrush is the latest in equestrian high fashion. The high gloss, lacquered finish is decorated with an elegant pinstripe design. The soft GRpx® harness has been combined with the latest Close Contact technology. The Ayrbrush is available with the option of a Charles Owen logo or the limited edition centenary logo on the back.
lördag 19 mars 2011
Nya webbutiken
Vi jobbar på med den nya webbutikens färdigställande inför premiären den 1 maj 2011. Don't miss it!
fredag 18 mars 2011
Butet saddlepad

Förhandsbeställning av Butetschabrak: Färg brun, pris 1089 kr. Maila segcompany@telia.com
för beställning.
Preorder of Butet saddlepad: Colour brown, price 1089 SEK. E-mail your order to segcompany@telia.com
torsdag 17 mars 2011
söndag 13 mars 2011
måndag 7 mars 2011
Nya webbutiken...
Nya webbutiken lanseras den 1 maj 2011. Välkommen på invigningen med massor av specialerbjudanden i vanlig ordning!
The new webstore will be launched at 1 may 2011. Welcome to the grand opening with lots of special offers!
Jennie o Jessica
The new webstore will be launched at 1 may 2011. Welcome to the grand opening with lots of special offers!
Jennie o Jessica
fredag 4 mars 2011
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